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कम्प्युटरमा फटाफट काम हुने १० शर्टकट्स
Universal Institute

हामी कैयौं पटक सानो सानो कामको लागि माउसको कर्सरलाई कम्प्युटर स्क्रीनमा घुमाइरहन्छौं । जबकि किबोर्डको सामान्य शर्टकट्सबाट फटाफट काम गर्न सकिन्छ । तर यसको लागि तपाईंलाई शर्टकट कि कसरी चलाउने ? जानकारी हुन आवश्यक छ । आउनुहोस्, केही चलनचल्तीमा आइरहने जरुरी कम्प्युटरको शर्टकट्स बारे जानकारी हासिल गरौं ।
ट्याव खोल्ने र बन्द गर्ने
यदि तपाईं कुनै ब्राउजरमा सबै ट्याव खोलेर काम गरीरहनु भएको छ भने र तत्कालै कुनै ट्याबलाई बन्द गर्नुपरेमा Ctrl + W अथवा Ctrl+F4   को प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । यदि सबै ट्याब एकैचोटि बन्द गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने Ctrl+Shift+W प्रयोग गर्नहोस् । यदि तपाइ फेरी उक्त ट्याव खोल्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने Ctrl+Shift+T को प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् ।
विन्डो मिनिमाइज गर्नुहोस्
यदि तपाई कम्प्युटरमा कैंयौँ सफ्वेयर र ब्राउजर खोलेर काम गरिरहनु भएको छ र तत्कालै विन्डोजलाई मिनिमाइज गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने Windows Logo+M  को प्रयोग गर्नुहोला ।
साइज सानो अथवा ठूलो बनाउनुहोस्
कुनै पनि साइजलाइ सानो अथवा ठूलो बनाउन Ctrl + अथवा Ctrl –  को प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । यो बाहेक MS Office मा त्थउभ गरिएको Type लाई छोटो अथवा ठूलो बनाउनका लागि सबभन्दा पहिला उक्त शब्दलाई सेलेक्ट गरेर तपाई ठूलो बनाउन चाहनुहुन्छ भने Ctrl + थिचेर Font लाई ठूलो र सानो बनाउन सक्नुहुनेछ ।
एक विन्डोबाट दोस्रो विन्डोमा जानुहोस्
कम्युटरमा हामी एकैचोटि धेरै विन्डोजहरु ओपन गरेर काम गरिरहेका हुन्छौं । यहाँ हामी एक विन्डोबाट दोस्रो विन्डोमा जानका लागि Alt+Tab वटनको प्रयोग गर्न सक्छौँ । यस बाहेक एक ट्यावबाट अर्को ट्यावमा जानका लागि Ctrl+Tab को प्रयोग गर्न सक्छौँ ।
कम्युटरलाई लग अफ गर्नुहोस्
कम्युटरमा काम गरीसकेपछि सिस्टम बन्द गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने Windows Logo+L को प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । यदि वर्तमान अवस्थामा खोलिरहेको विन्डोलाई बन्द गर्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने Alt+F4  को प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् ।
नयाँ ट्याव खोल्नुहोस
यदि तपाइँ ब्राउजरमा नयाँ ट्याव खोल्न चाहनुहुन्छ भने Ctrl+Tको प्रयोग गर्नसक्नुहुनेछ । ओपन ब्राउजरमा एक ट्यावबाट अर्को ट्यावमा जान चाहनुहुन्छ भने Ctrl+Tab को प्रयोग गर्नसक्नुहुनेछ ।
कुनै फोल्डरको नाम बदल्न चाहेमा
कुनै फोल्डर अथावा आइटमको नाम बदल्नको लागि F2 वटन प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् ।
कुनै विन्डोजको मेनुमा जानुहोस्
काम गरीरहेको कुनै पनि एक्टिभ मेनुमा जानको लागि Alt+Space bar को प्रयोग गर्नुहोस् । प्रारम्भ मेनुमा जानका लागि Windows Logo वटन खिच्नुहोस् ।
Esc को प्रयोग गर्नुहोस
कुनैपनि एक्टिभ आइटमबाट बाहिर जानको लागि Esc को प्रयोग गर्नहोस् । जस्तै फेसबुकको कुनै फोटो हेरिरहेको अवस्थामा त्यस आइटमबाट बाहिर जानको लागि पनि Esc को प्रयोग गर्नसक्नुहुनेछ ।
कुनै Object को Properties मा जान

कुनै Object को properties मा जानको लागि पहिला Arrow वटन बाट Object मा गएर Alt+Enter को प्रयोग गर्नुहोला । Windows Logo+R को प्रयोग गरेर रन कमान्ड बक्स open  गर्नसक्नुहुनेछ ।

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is the technology used to create web pages that are displayed on web browsers. All web developers should know how to write, structure, and troubleshoot HTML.
Our tutorial covers HTML elements within the declaration, head, and body sections of the HTML document. With this tutorial, you should be on your way to understanding and writing your own HTML.
There are no prequisities for this HTML tutorial. You should be able to easily understand this tutorial and learn the basic concepts of HTML elements.
Now, let's get started!

Or jump directly to a topic in HTML:
HTML Document type
Container for all other HTML tags
Metadata and browser instructions
Link to an external resource
Information and metadata not directly visible on web page
Embed or reference client-side server script
Title of the document
Hyperlink to a URL or a target within the HTML document
Contact information for nearest <article> or <body> ancestor
Self-contained composition (HTML 5)
Section tangentially related to the content around it (HTML 5)
Gives text a bold appearance (no semantic meaning)
Defines text one font size bigger (obsolete in HTML 5)
Defines a long block quotation from another source
Body of document that is visible on web page
Line break
Clickable button
Title of a table
Fragment of computer code
Generic container
Marks text that has stress emphasis
Defines font size, color and face of text
Footer (HTML 5)
Heading 1 (highest level and most important)
Heading 2 (second level)
Heading 3 (third level)
Heading 4 (fourth level)
Heading 5 (fifth level)
Heading 6 (sixth level and least important)
Header (HTML 5)
Thematic break in HTML 5, horizontal rule in HTML 4.01
Gives text an italicized appearance (no semantic meaning)
Embed another HTML page into your current page
List item for <ol>, <ul> or <menu>
Unordered menu list (not implemented in browsers)
Section with navigation links (HTML 5)
Alternate HTML if script type not supported or scripting disabled on browser
Ordered list
Preformatted text preserving whitespace and line breaks
Defines a short inline quotation from another source
Embed or reference client-side server script
Generic section (HTML 5)
Defines text one font size smaller
Generic inline container
Gives text a strong emphasis
Standard cell in a table
Header cell in a table
Time value on a 24-hour clock or a date in the Gregorian calendar (HTML 5)
Row in a table
Unordered list

(Hyper Text Markup Language)

What is HTML?

HTML is a simple scripting language used to create Hypertext Documents. Hypertext is simply a piece of text that works as a link. Markup Language is a way of writing layout information within documents.

Use of HTML:

HTML is used for web designing. A webpage is a text file that contains HTML Codes (Tags). HTML documents are saved with .htm or .html extensions.

What is Tag?

In HTML, all commands (code) are called Tags. Tags are not case sensitive. Tag consists of three parts:
·         Element (Identification of Tag)
·         Attribute (Property of Tag)
·         Value (Value assigned for Attribute)

For example:
<body bgcolor = "red">
body = Element
bgcolor = Attribute
"red" = Attribute Value

Note: We only have to close the Element Tags. Tags are always enclosed in < and > (angular brackets).

Steps for creating Webpage using HTML:

·         First make one folder inside the desired location.
·         Write the source file with all required items (text, images, table…) by using HTML codes using anyone Text Editor like notepad.
·         Save the source file using .htm or .html extension inside the pre-made folder. Don't forget to choose All files from the dropdown menu of Save as type.
·         Save all images, sound clips and other items used in the web page inside the same location.
·         Open any one available Browser (like Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator etc.)
·         Set path at address bar, otherwise direct choose the source file by using File – Open option.
Note 1: If you change or modify a source file, don't forget to save and then refresh the browser to get the final output.
Note 2: Tags are not case sensitive. You can use both upper and lower case for tags. But, attribute values may be case sensitive. For ex: “Cloud.gif” is not same as “cloud.gif”.
Structure of HTML Program:
All the contents of HTML document must contained between <HTML> and </HTML> tags (HTML Section).


The HEAD Section:

The HEAD section comes between a <HEAD> and </HEAD> tags. The head section of the web page includes all the stuff that does not show directly on the resulting page <TITLE>.

The TITLE Tag:

The text written between <TITLE> and < /TITLE> tag is used to set title of the Browser Window.

The BODY Section:

The text written inside the <BODY> and </BODY> tags is displayed in webpage. The <BODY> tag can have a number of attributes like bgcolor, background, text, link, alink, vlink etc...

First Example:
<HEAD><TITLE>First Program of HTML…</TITLE></HEAD>
This is my first program in HTML.
Note: Type above HTML codes using any one Text Editor like Notepad save with .htm or .html extension. Run this file using any one Internet Browser like Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator.

BGCOLOR (Background Color):

This attribute specifies the background color of the webpage. BGCOLOR is the attribute of <BODY> tag. This can be specified in two ways.
First way is to use on of the permitted color namely aqua, blue, gray, green, fuchsia, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, yellow etc.Example:
<HEAD><TITLE>Using background color…</TITLE></HEAD>
I am using OLIVE color as a background.
<HEAD><TITLE>Using BLUE color as a background…</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY bgcolor = “0000FF”>
I am using BLUE color as a background.


This attribute defines the color of the body text written in the page.
E.g. <body text = blue> or <body text = “0000FF”>

<HEAD><TITLE>Using BLUE color as a background and YELLOW as a text color…</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY bgcolor = “blue” text = yellow>
I am using BLUE color as a background with yellow text.

BACKGROUND (Image as a background):

The BACKGROUND attribute specifies an image file, which is used as a background picture. Its value will be the full path of an image file.
<HEAD><TITLE>I am using an image as a background…</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY BACKGROUND = “scene.jpg”>
I am using a scene as a background.
Note: Don't forget to save the background image within the same location where you saved your html file.

The <BR> tag:

This tag is only used to break the line. If you use enter key to break the line then it is not accepted. So, in this case, you can use <br> tag. The <br> tag doesn’t have its ending tag.
For Example:
Software is important <BR> But, <BR> Hardware is essential.

The <P> tag:

This tag is used to change the paragraph. With this tag, you can use align attribute.

<p align = right>Date: 2060/01/26</p>
<p align = center>BIO-DATA</p>
<p align = left>Name: Pawan Karna<br>
Address: Siraha
<P align = justify> HTML is a simple text formatting language used to create Hypertext documents. Before HTML, It was SGML (Standard Generalized Mark-up Language). HTML is a collection of platform-independent styles (indicated by Markup Tags) that define the various components of a worldwide web documents.</P>
The <HR> tag:
The <hr> tag ends a paragraph and inserts a horizontal line. It has following attributes.
·         align
·         width ó
·         size
·         color

<head> <title> Examples of Horizontal lines</title> </head>
<CENTER><FONT SIZE = 5>Examples of Horizontal lines </CENTER></FONT>
<p align = center>Horizontal line with center alignment</p>
<hr align = center width = 50%>
Horizontal line with 75% width
<hr ALIGN =left width = 75%>
Horizontal line with Noshade
<hr noshade>
Horizontal line with different sizes:
<hr size = 10>
<hr size = 15>
Blue horizontal line
<hr color = blue>

Formatting the Page:


Headings are used to display some important information on the web. There are six different levels for headings (H1…H6).


This attribute sets the size of the font. The font size can be set from 1 to 7.



This attribute is used to set different font type of the text. All browsers don’t recognize all fonts.



This attribute specifies the color of the font. We can use Aqua, Black, Blue, Fuchsia, Gray, Green, Lime, Maroon, Navy, Olive, Purple, Red, Silver, Teal, White, Yellow colors for the font.

<p><font size = 1>World of the Computer</font><br>
<font size = 2>World of the Computer</font><br>
<font size = 3>World of the Computer</font><br>
<font size = 4>World of the Computer</font><br>
<font size = 5>World of the Computer</font><br>
<font size = 6>World of the Computer</font><br>
<font size = 7>World of the Computer</font>
<p><font face = “Comic Sans MS”>Nepal</font><br>
<font face = Impact>Nepal</font></p>
<p><font color = Blue>Blue Text</font><br>
<font color =red> Danger! </font></p>
<p>Now, I am mixing all attributes of the font.</p>
<p><Font face =arialsize = 6 color = green> I am Arial font with 6 size and green color. </font><br>
Thank you. <br>
Note: The default font size is 3.



We can use different types of font styles as listed below:
<B> = Bold text
<I> = Italic text
<U> = Underlined text
<STRIKE> = Strikeout text
<EM> = Emphasized text (Rendered Italic)
<STRONG> = Strong text (Rendered bold)
<TT> =Tele Type text. It puts the text in moonscape fonts.
<BIG> = Puts text in a bigger size. (Increases by one point)
<SMALL> = Puts text in a smaller size. (Decreases by one point)
<SUB> = Subscripts the text.
<SUP> = Superscripts the text.
These all tags are required both starting and ending tags.
<em>Rendered Italic</em><br>
<strong>Rendered Bold</strong><br>
<tt>Teletype text</tt><br>
<big><big>Bigger than bigger </big></big><br>
<small><small>Smaller than smaller </small></small><br>
A<sup>2</SUP> + B<sup>2</sup>

The <PRE> tag:

The <pre> tag is used to set preformatted text and style.
Example 1:
Name        :  SHUSHANT SHARMA
DOB           : 25<sup>th</sup> Jan 1980
Sex           : Male

Example 2:
<font face = arial size = 4>
Name     :           SHUSHANT SHARMA
DOB        :           25<sup>th</sup> Jan 1980
Sex         :           Male

The <CENTER> tag:

This tag is used to center align the individual text, marquees, images and tables etc. This tag breaks the line automatically.

Inserting an Images:

Different images can be placed in the documents with the help of <IMG> tag.

The <IMG> tag:

This tag is used to insert an image in the document. It doesn’t have ending tag but have different attributes for setting title, source, size (Width and Height), alignments, horizontal and vertical spaces, borders etc..
This attribute defines the name and path (location) of the image inside the double quotes.


This attribute specifies the position of an image inside the document. There are five possible alignments:
Note: Top, Middle and Bottom alignments are used in case of paragraph only. <CENTER> tag should be used for center alignment.


This attribute is used to define some comments for image with the mouse pointer.
Example 1:
<IMG SRC = "XXX.jpg">

Example 2:
<IMG SRC = "Gold Petals.jpg" HEIGHT = 200 WIDTH = 200 ALIGN = right TITLE = "Gold Petals" BORDER = 2 VSPACE = 10>
Note: If you don't save the image within the same folder with your source file then you have to define full path of an image like "C:\WINNT\Web\Wallpaper\Gold Petals.jpg".

The <MARQUEE> tag:

This tag is used to animate the required text and image in different ways. Internet explorer only recognizes this tag. This tag has the following attributes:
·         Behavior (“Scroll”, “Alternate” or “Slide”)
·         Direction (“left”, “right”, “up” or “down”)
·         Width (in pixel or percent unit)
·         Height (in pixel or percent unit)
·         bgcolor

Example 1:
<H1 align = center>Taplejung</H1>
<marquee>Kathmandu is the capital of Nepal</marquee>

Example 2:
<center><marquee width = 40% behavior = "alternate">Practice makes man perfect</marquee></center>
<center><font color = yellow face = arial size = 5><marquee behavior = scroll bgcolor = ’’blue direction = down height = 200 width =26%> Lets go to School. </marquee></center></font>

Inserting blank space:

You can use special key &nbsp to keep a single space. If you want to break the paragraph then you can use <p>&nbsp;</p>.

<center>N &nbsp &nbsp E &nbsp &nbsp P &nbsp &nbsp A &nbsp &nbsp L</center>

Creating Lists (Bullets and Numbering) :

HTML has a number of tags in describe different types of lists of things. All lists have the same basic syntax; the only difference is the way they are displayed.

Unordered List (UL) :

The simplest type of list is an Unordered List. The elements of an Unordered List are usually displayed as a series of bullet points. An Unordered Lists start with <UL> and ends with </UL> tags. Each element in the list starts with <LI> tag. It doesn’t have an ending tag.
Using TYPE attribute with UL can set different types of bullets. The values specified with TYPE attribute can be square, disc, and circle.

Example 1:
<LI> Mouse
<LI> Keyboard
<LI> Screen/Monitor
<LI> Printer
Creating a Table:
The table is used to set the data in form of rows and columns. The <table> and </table> tags contains the whole features of the table.
The <table> tag has the following attributes.


This attributes specifies the alignment of the whole table. If this attribute is not specified then it takes left alignment as default. The value for align can be left, right or center.
This attribute specifies the table’s width. If you don’t supply a value for the width then the width of the table is as according to the data width. You can provide the value either at pixels or at percentage unit.


This attribute specifies the width of the border around the table. By default, there are no border, at that time <table border> specifies a table with a border 1 pixel wide. You can also specify border color by using bordercolor attribute.


This attribute specifies the width of the border between individual cells of a table.


This attribute specifies the space to be left between the border of each cell and its contents.


This attribute is used to give background color to the table.

Table Rows <tr>:

The <tr> tag is used to setup a row of the table. we can use this tag as per our requirement. It has its ending tag </tr>. This tag has the following attributes:


This specifies the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell in the row. The value can be left, right or center.

Valign (vertical alignment):

This is used to specify the vertical alignment of the contents of the cell in the row. The value can be top, middle or bottom.


This is used to specify the row color.
Note: All the attributes of <tr> affects whole things of the table. You can also apply individually by using the attributes of <td> or <th> tags.

Table Heading <th>:

This tag is used to specify the table heading. Usually, it is displayed in bold face and centered aligned. It is ended with </th> tag.

Table Data <td>:

This tag is used to place the required data inside the row cells.
The <th> and <td> tags can have the following attributes:


This specifies the horizontal alignment of the contents of the cell. The value can be left, center or right. It will override the align attribute set in the <TR>tag.


It aligns the contents of the cell vertically. The value can be Top, Middle or Bottom. It also override the valign attribute set in the <TR>tag.

Rowspan (merging rows):

This attribute is used to merge (Combine) required row cells. The value should be more than 1 cell.

Colspan (merging columns):

The value for colspan should be more than 1 (no. of column) and will span across many column cells.



This is used to specify width of the cell. The value can be in pixel or percentage.


This is used to specify height of the cell. The value is also in pixel or percentage.

Example: 1
<table border>
<td>Tel. No.</td>
<td>TOEFL/IELTS Instructor</td>
<td>English/IELTS Instructor</td>
Example: 2
<table border = 3 align = center width = 75%>
<td>Tel. No.</td>
<td>Hemanta Baral</td>
<td>Nabin Koirala</td>
<td>TOEFL/IELTS Instructor</td>

! The End !

लोक सेवा आयोगद्वारा लिइने कम्प्युटर अपरेटर पदको प्रयोगात्मक परीक्षाको नमुना प्रश्नः
१० मिनेट भित्र दिइएको ४०० शब्दको Nepali Typing । = 15 Marks
५ मिनेट भित्र दिइएको २२५ शब्दको English Typing । = 5 Marks
3. Word Processing
मा Document तयार पार्ने, Formatting गर्ने लगायतका कामहरु = 10 Marks
4. Electronic Spreadsheet (EXCEL)
मा Formula लगाएर Calculation । =10 Marks
5. PowerPoint
मा Presentation तयार पार्ने = 3 Marks
6. MS Access
मा database (Table, Query, Form, Report) = 4 Marks
प्रयोग गरी Webpage बनाउने = 3 Marks

OFFICE- 2003 
Creat by Universal Institute Taplejung

          To Open Computer:-
Ø Push power of the C.P.U. box.
Ø Push power of the Monitor if Necessary.

To Close Computer:-
Ø Click of start button.
Ø Choose shut down.
Ø Again in M.S. dos Mode.

Computer From The Box:-
Ø Stand by.
Ø Shut down.
Ø Restart in M.S. dos Mode.
Ø Ok.    Or. Cancel.

And Click Ok:-
Ø When the following information is display on the screen it's now safe to turn of your computer.

Press Moan Power of the C.P.U Box:-
Ø To open Type shale.
Ø Click on start and choose program.
Ø Choose England Nepali flag.
Ø England English Typing Nepali flay for Nepali Typing.
Ø Click on Home Top button.
Ø Click on Rename.
Ø Type another's new Name.
Ø Click ok.

For free Typing:-
Ø Click on free button.
Ø Choose Typing.
Ø Start to Type.                                              

For Game:-
Ø Click on game.
Ø Click on start.

v Top: -      QWER TY UIOP.
v Home: -   ASDF GH JKL;
v Button: - ZXCV B

HARDWARE: - The physical components of the computer which we can touch are called hardware or all the parts of the computer hardware and known add computer hardware into four groups with their function they are.
Ø POWER SUPPLY DEVICE: - Those type a device which are used to supply the power in the computer volt guard and U.P.S. are the examples of power supply device.
Ø VOLT GUARD: - It controls and supplies the power.
Ø U.P.S.:- It control supply and start the electricity.
Ø INPUT DEVICE: - Keyboard mouse scanners are the examples of input device it is used to feed information or data in the computer.
Ø KEYBOARD:- It is used to food or type information in the computer.
Ø MOUSE: - It is used to choose open programs.
Ø SCANNER: - It helps transfer as load photo in the computer.
Ø DIGITAL CAMERA: - Helps to save or load graphic as photo in the computer.
Ø PROCESSING DEVICE:-  It is the main unit of the computer c p u is the an example of processing device c p u stands for central processing unit it control mar over programs are stare ding the c p u  Box  the
     Referee it is called brain or heart of the computer.
Ø OUTPUT DEVICE: - Helps to show or display result in the computer; monitor, printer, speaker, etc. are the examples of output of output device.
Ø MONITOR: - Monitor is the soft output device it displays result or information on the screen.
Ø M. PRINTER: - It helps to printer information or result on the paper.
Ø SPEAKER: - Helps to out sound in the computer.
Ø SOFTWARE: - The programs of the computer which we cannot touch are called software into two groups they are.
Ø APPLICATION SOFTWARE:- That type of software which printing editing etc. ms ward ms.
Ø Excel ms power point etc. are the examples of application software.
Ø SYSTEM SOFTWARE: - Helps to create suitable environment for user to work in computer ms windows and ms dos are the examples of the system sift ware.
Ø USER: - A person who used the computer.

Ø ABACUS: - First counting device (around 400 year ago china).
Ø PRINCIPAL: - A small unit icon is representing a lot's or thigh at number.
Ø CHARTLESS BABBAGE: - Father of computer science.
Ø HOWARD NIKON: - First computer designer.
Ø MARK -1:- First computer in the world (1937) height: 8 fit.
Ø LADY AUGUSTA: - First programmer.
Ø JBM.1401:- First computer dividing Nepal.
Ø B.S:- 2027.                         

Operation of the Icon:-
Ø DELETE: - Helps to delete icons or document to delete icon or documents or of icon and press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose delete.
Ø Click on yes.

RECYCLE BIN: - Recycle bin just like dustbin it saves all delete icon.
To Rectum Documents in Place of location double Click on Recycle bin:-
Ø Choose on icon and press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose restore.

To Delete Icons Document Permanently:-
Ø Double click on recycle bin.
Ø Choose on icons and press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose delete.
Ø Click on yes.

Rename: - Helps to change document of or icons name.
Ø Choose on icon or document and press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose rename.
Ø Type another's name.

                   Device Units:-
Ø Storage capacity: - Hard disk bates prosing speed CPU. MHZ.
Ø Hard disk: - Floppy disk CD pen drives are examples of storage device measurement unit of storage device are buries kilo bytes megabytes gigabytes terabytes relation.                                                                                                                                                     

MS: - Windows.
MS:-Microsoft company chums of the company.
Windows:-Name at the software system (MS- Windows 95198 /200xp).
Ø Ms Stands for Microsoft and windows is the worlds famous Microsoft is the world's popular company USA windows 95195/ 200xp is the version at MS among them windows 98 is mostly used in market.
Ø Windows Controller:-
        Minimize (-) F Maximize (ƒ) Close (Í)
Maximize: - To display windows to large scale.

Minimize: - To display windows in on icon shaper the taskbar.
Close: - To close active windows.
Computer At Windows:-

                   ICON: - The graphical system boll is representing programs.
                   DESKTOP: - The appearance at the windows is called desktop.
                   TASKBAR: - Taskbar lies on the button of the sneer that makes esker to open any program and change setting ales the program.

How To Create New Text Document:-
Ø More arrows on the free space or the background and press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose hew.
Ø Choose text document.
Ø Type document name.
Ø Double click on it.
Ø Type details information about document.
Ø Click on file menu close save.
Ø Click on cross button.
                   To Cent New Folder:-
Ø Press right button at the mouse.
Ø Choose new.
Ø Choose folder name.
Ø Type folder's name.

                   Types Of Computer:-
Ø According to configuration hard disk us then (10) G.B.
Ø Pentium I: - C p u less that 200 M.H.Z ram less them 32 M.B.
Ø Ran:- Random access memory.
Ø Runtime ii: - CPU less than 400 M.H.Z.
Ø Ram less than 64 M.B.
Ø Hard disk less than 40 G.B.
Ø Pentium iii: - C p u less than 900 M.H.Z.
Ø Ram less than 128 M.B.
Ø Hard disk less than 120 G.B.
Ø Pentium j v: - C p u less than 30 G H.Z.
Ø Can less than 256 G.B.
                   Operation Of The Icon:-
Ø Delete: - Helps to delete icons or document.

                   To Delete Icons Document:-
Ø Choose document of icon and press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose delete.
Ø Click on yes.
Ø Peace bin.     
Background Never Animate On The Screen To Change Background:-
Ø Press right button of the mouse and choose properties.
Ø Click on desktop.
Ø Choose wallpaper item.
Ø Click on apply and choose ok.

Screen Saver- Screen Saver Always Flying Or Moving On The Screen:-
                   Margie: - We can save information on Margie command.
Ø Press right button of the mouse and choose properties.
Ø Click on screen saver button.
Ø Click on screen saver box choose Margie.
Ø Click on setting.
Ø Click on text box and delete text type new text.
Ø Change background color.
                   Change Speed (Slew Or Fast:-
Ø Click on format text.
Ø Change font color (information color change size).
Ø Click ok.
Ø Click on preview to apply on the full screen.

RUN: - It helps to open program by direct method to omen calve.
Ø Click on start and choose run type calc and click ok.

NOT: - Click on view menu and choose scientific or standard.
SEARCH: - Helps to find or search documents pictures or photos to find typshala.
Ø Click on start and choose search.
Ø Choose or find or folder.
Ø Maximize the window.                                        
Ø Choose all files or folders typshala on the box and click on search button to find or search pictures.
Ø Click on start and choose search.

              Choose Or File Or Folder:
Ø Maximize the window.
Ø Choose all files or folders.
Ø Type yes dot jpg and click on search button.
Ø Choose required picture and press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose set as desktop background.
Ø Close all windows.
                   MS PAINT:-
Ø Ms Paint is the simple graphical software which is bees on the ms windows we can save or loaning simple pictures logos etc.
                   1st process:-
Ø Click on start and choose run.
Ø Type brush or ms paint and click ok.
                   2nd process:-
Ø Click on start and choose programs.
Ø Choose accessories.
Ø Choose paint.

                   Component Of The Paint:-
Ø Title bar.
Ø Menu bar.
Ø Tools bar.
Ø Vertical scroll bar.
Ø Color bar.
Ø Status bar.

                   To Show Or Hi De Tools Box Color Box Status Bar:-
Ø Click on view menu and choose required tool bar.                                   
                   To Add Information Or Text Into The Picture:-
Ø Choose text (A/form the tool box.
Ø Define text area where you want to save information.
Ø Type information.

TEXT TOOL BAR:-When you define text area and type text we can see text tool bar (if not) click on view menu choose text tool bar.

To Move Text or Picture from one Place:-
Ø Choose select button from the tools box and define or select item which you want to move.
Ø Move arrow on the center position of the elected ileum and drag it on the required position.
                   MENU BAR:-
Ø Save:-Helps to save picture ms paint.
Ø Open ms picture.
Ø Draw a picture.
Ø Click on file menu and choose save.
Ø Type file name and click on save.
                   NEW: - To open new blank document or area.
Ø Click on file menu and choose new.

OPEN: - Helps to open document which are already saved in ms paint.
Ø Click on file menu and choose open.
Ø Choose required file which you want to open.
Ø Click on open.
                   SET AS WALL PAPER:-Helps to apply picture on the background.
Ø Open ms paint picture.
Ø Click on file menu and choose set as wall paper (cantered) tiled.
Ø Click on cross button.

                   To Apply JPG Picture In Ms Paint:-
Ø Select picture.
Ø Click on edit menu and choose copy.
Ø Again click on edit menu and choose paste.
To Change Degree Of The Selected Text As Same Letter Height:-
Ø Select text.
Ø Click on image menu and choose file rotate.
Ø Choose rotate by angle.
Ø Choose 90' click ok.      

To Change Wed the of the Selected Text As Same Letter Width:-         
Ø Select text.
Ø Click on image menu and choose stretch skew.
Ø Change horizontal like (300%).
Ø Click ok.

                   To Change Height And Width Of The Bank Are Windows:-
Ø Click on image menu and choose attributes.
Ø Change width and height.
Ø Click ok.
                   TASK BAR:-
                   TASKBAR: - It is one important consolably of windows which is appear horizontally at the button side to the desktop.
Ø Ho to change date and time.
Ø Move arrow on the time button of press two times by lift button of the mouse.
Ø Change Monte day yeas.
Ø If you want to change time then click on hour button and click on increase of decrease button.                                 
Ø Similarly click on minute's button and click on increase button.
Ø Click on apply and click ok. To show hide time from the taskbar.
Ø Move arrow on the taskbar area and press right button of the moves choose properties.
Ø Click on show click button.
Ø Click on apply and click ok.

RUN: - This command is used to open program by direct method.
Ø To open calculator.
Ø Click or choose ALC and click ok.
Ø Click on view menu and choose standard or scientific a CALC water.
FIND: - It helps to search or find files document or picture.
Ø To find program like typshala.
Ø Choose files or folders.
Ø Click on named box and define current location like my computer C. or D. drive.
Ø Click on find new button.
Ø To find picture.
Ø Click on slat and choose find.
Ø Choose find or folder.
Ø Click on named box and type *.jpg.
Ø Click on looking button and choose card drive.
Ø Click on find new button. The list of picture dies play on the serene if you want to open it then double click on it.
Ø TXT   -    Text document.
Ø BMP -      Ms paint.
Ø DOC -     Ms Word.
Ø XLS -      Ms Excel.
Ø JPG -       Pictures. 
Microsoft word is the world popular and powerful word pressing software which is designed by Microsoft Corporation we can save and edit letters newspaper reports theirs book and all types of information.

1st process:- 
Ø Star > Run > Win word > ok.
2nd process:-
Ø Star > programs > Microsoft office > Microsoft word.
Features Of Ms Word:-
Ø We can save document by password into multiple drives.
Ø We can check spelling and grammar.
Ø We can use dictionary.
Ø We can inset or add symbols charts tables equations etc.
Components Of Ms Word:-
Ø Title bar: - (Document 1-ms -word).
Ø Menu bar: - (File-edit-view-insert-format-tools-table-window- help).
Ø Standard bar :-( Collection of symbols 100%).
Ø Formatting bar: - (Times new roman-12-B-I-U).
Ø Tab (L).
Ø Horizontal Ruler bar.
Ø Vertical Ruler bar.
Ø Vertical scroll bar.
Ø Horizontal scroll bar.
Ø Drawing bar :-( Draw auto shapes).
Ø Status bar :-( page 1 sec 1 1/1).
To Save File In Ms Word:-
Ø Open ms word.
Ø Type some information.
Ø Click on file menu and choose save.
Ø Type dikes name.
Ø Click on save.
NOTE: - File name is appeared on the top of the screen.
To Close Document:-
Ø Click on file menu and choose close.
To Open Document Which Are Saved In Ms Word:-
Ø Open ms word.
Ø Click on file menu and choose open.
Ø Choose required file name and click open.
To Save Document In Personal Folder On The D: Drive:-
Ø Open a document in ms word.
Ø Click on file menu and choose save as.
Ø Click on save in button and choose D: drive.
Ø Click on create New folder button.
Ø Type folder's name.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Type file name.
Ø Click on save.
To Open Document Which Are Saved On D: Drive:-
Ø Double click on my computer.
Ø Double click on D: drive.
Ø Double click on your folder.
Ø Double click on file name.
To Protect Document By Password: ­-
Ø Open a document in ms word.
Ø Click on file menu and choose save as.
Ø Click on tools button and choose security option.
Ø Click on password to open box and type same password.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Retype same password.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Retype same password.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Click on save.
Ø Close this document and try to open.
                   FILE MENU:-
To Set Margins Of The Paper:-
Ø Open ms word.
Ø Click on file menu and choose page setup.
Ø Click on margins button.
Ø Change Top: - List: - Right and bottom margins.
Ø Click ok.
§  Top         :- 1"
§  Bottom    :- 1"
§  Lift :- 1.2"  {and}
§  Right       :- 0.8"
To Change Paper Orientation Like Portrait:-
Ø Click on file menu and choose page setup.
Ø Choose portrait or landscape.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Click on file menu and choose print preview.

§      Portrait: - Vertically.
§      Landscape: - Horizontally.

Ø [Page:- 1           Sec:- 1         1/5]
Ø Where 1 means current page.
Ø {Where cursor lies} and 5 means total page (Number of the pages).
To Print Information Or Document:-
Ø Open ms word and document.
Ø Click on file menu and choose print.
Ø Choose printers Name.
Ø Choose page rage like.
Ø All: -               To print all pages.
Ø Current: -       To print single page {where cursor lies}.
Ø Pages: -                    To print multiple pages.
Ø Define Number of pages.
Ø Click ok.

Ø Ctrl +     Esc    = Start.
Ø Ctrl +     S       = Save.
Ø Ctrl +     W      = Close (Document).
Ø Ctrl +     O       = Open (Document).
Ø Ctrl +     N       = New.
Ø Ctrl +     P       = Print.
Ø Alt  +     F4     = Exit To close (Document).
Ø Ctrl +     A       = Select.
Ø Ctrl +     X       = Cut.
Ø Ctrl +     Z       = Undo.
Ø Ctrl +     C       = Copy.
Ø Ctrl +     V       = paste.
Ø Ctrl +     F       = Find.
Ø Ctrl +     H       = Replace.
Ø Ctrl +     G       = Go to.
Ø Ctrl +     Y       = Repeat
Ø F12                  = Save As

A.           SELECT ALL: - Helps to active or highlight all information of the active document.
Ø  Click on edit menu and choose select all.
B.                           CUT: - Helps to delete unnecessary or selected information.
Ø Click on edit menu and choose cut.

C.         UNDO: - Helps to jump or return in pervious position.
Ø Click on edit menu and choose undo.

D.        COPY AND PASTE: - Helps to add same information into multiple places.
Ø Select information.
Ø Click on edit menu and choose copy.
Ø Fixed cursor where you want to paste (add).
Ø Click on edit menu ad choose paste.

E.         FIND: - Helps to find or search words which are already saved in active document.
Ø Click on edit menu and choose find.
Ø Type a word which you won't to search.
Ø Click on find next button.
Ø If you won't to replace by another word then click on replace button.
Ø Click on replace with box and type a word.
Ø Click on close.

A.          Zoom: - Helps to magnify (enlarge or reduce) information.
Ø Click on view menu and choose zoom.
Ø Choose required option like 75% - 100% or 15%.
Ø Click ok.
Note: - There are no effects to print.

B.                RULER: - Helps to show or hide horizontal and vertical ruler bar.
Ø Click on view menu and choose ruler.

C.                Toolbar: - This Command is used to show or hide standard   
             Formatting drawing bar.
Ø Click on view menu and choose toolbar.
Ø Choose required toolbar.

                   D.         Header and footer: - Header means top of the page and footer means bottom of the page Header and footer information is automatically update or display in all pages as same position and formatting.
Ø Open a document in ms word having more then 'A' pages.
Ø Click on view menu and choose header and footer.
Ø Type header information on the header area.
Ø If you want to add footer information then click on switch between header and footer button.
Ø Type footer information.
Ø Click on close button from the header and footer toolbar.
                   E.         Print layout: - This command helps to show document in original view so always choose print layout view before start to type. 

                   Shortcut Keys:-
Ø Ctrl + B                      Bold.
Ø Ctrl + I                       Italic.
Ø Ctrl + U                     Underline.
Ø Ctrl + L                      Left align.
Ø Ctrl + E                      Center align.
Ø Ctrl + R                      Right align.          
Ø Ctrl + J                       Justify. 
Ø Ctrl + D                     Font.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + >          to enlarge font size.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + <          To reduce font size.
Ø Ctrl + 1                      Single line spacing.                 
Ø Ctrl + 2                      Double line spacing.
Ø Ctrl + 5                      1.5 line spacing.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + =          Superscript.
Ø Ctrl + =                      Subscript.
Ø Ctrl + M                     Margins (To move in right side.
Ø Ctrl + Shift + M                   To Move left side.
Ø Alt           + F                      File Menu.
Ø Alt + E                       Edit menu.
Ø Alt + V                       View menu.
Ø Alt + I                        Insert menu.
Ø Alt + O                       Format.
Ø Alt + T                       Tools menu.
Ø F7                              Spelling and Grammar.
Ø Shift + F7                            Thesaurus.

                   INSERT MENU:-
                   A.         Break: - Helps to break page column or text wrapping (Setting between information and picture).
                   To Break Page:-
Ø Fixit cursor where you want to break page.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose break.
Ø Choose page.
Ø Click ok.

                   B.         Page Number: - Helps to add page number in the top of the page (Header or bottom of the page (Footer).
Ø Click on insert menu and Choose page number.
Ø Choose position (Header or Footer).
Ø Also choose alignment like left inside right outside etc.
Ø Click on show number on the first page button.
Ø Click on format for choosing number style.
Ø Choose number format as you like.
Ø Choose page numbering style like.
Ø Continue from previous section: - To show page number from the stating page and serial like starting form-1.
Ø Start at: - [  ] page we can start page number from 2 or any number.
Ø Click ok.

C.         Date and Time: - It helps to set (add) current changeable date or time.
To Set Date Or Time:-
Ø Fixed cursor on the required position.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose date and time.
Ø Choose date or time format.
Ø Click on automatically update command.
Ø Click ok.
NOTE: - Date or time is always changing if you will open tomorrow we see current date or time (Tomorrows date).

D.                       Symbol: - Helps to add symbol which are note available on the Keyboard.
To Insert Symbol:-
Ø Fixed cursor.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose symbol.
Ø Click on Font button and choose required font like symbols wedding weddings etc.
Ø Choose required symbol.
Ø Click on insert button.
Ø Click on close.

E.                       Comment: - Helps to set reference (Meaning) of the selected word but Comment never print only for view.
To Save Meaning:-
Ø Select word.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose comment.
Ø Type reference or clear meaning yours etc.
Ø Click on view menu and choose mark up button to show or hide comment word.

F.                        Reference:- Helps to save comment or reference of the text but reference always print on the bottom of the page (Footnote ) or end Of the document (Endnote) if you want to save meaning on the page then you need to choose footnote and if you want to print meaning on the end of the document then choose endnote.

To Save Footnote:-
Ø Select word.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose reference.
Ø Choose footnote.
Ø Again choose footnote.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Type meaning yours etc.

To Save Endnote:-
Ø Select word.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose reference.
Ø Choose footnote.
Ø Choose endnote.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Type meaning yours if.

To Mark Figure Or Table By Number:-
Ø Insert many pictures or table in the document or information.
Ø Select picture or table.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose reference.
Ø Choose caption.
Ø Choose figure or table.
Ø Click ok.
G.                      Picture it helps To pictures object charts etc:-    
To Insert Picture From The From File Command:-
Ø Click on insert menu and choose picture.
Ø Choose from file command.
Ø Choose required position.
Ø Choose required picture click on insert.

                   To Insert Picture From The Scanner Or Digital Camera:-
Ø Click on insert menu and choose picture.
Ø Choose from scanner or camera. (You need to add scanner or camera in your computer).

                   To Insert Organization Chart:-
Ø Click on insert menu and choose picture.
Ø Choose organization chart.
Ø When you insert and select organization chart then organization toolbar is appeared on the screen.
Ø We can add remove or edit organization chart form the organization chart toolbar.

H.         Diagram: - Helps to add choose diagram or chart.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose diagram.
Ø Choose diagram style.
Ø Drew on the blank area.

I.          File:- it helps to merge (add more file like copy and paste.
To Insert Or Merge File:-
Ø Fixed cursor where you want to add or insert file.
Ø Click on insert menu and chose file.
Ø Choose required file.
Ø Click on insert.

J.          Object: - We can insert or add different things like picture form clip art picture from paint Photoshop chart equations etc.
To Insert Equation:-
Ø Click on insert menu and choose object.
Ø Choose Microsoft equation (3.0).
NOTE: - Microsoft equation toolbar is appeared on the screen we can insert different net types of equation by using equation toolbar.

K.                      Bookmark: - Helps to save or represent paragraph by shortcut word.

To Mark Paragraph:- 
Ø Select paragraph.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose bookmark.
Ø Type name or shortcut word.
Ø Click on add button.
Ø Similarly we can same or marked different paragraph by different shortcut words.

To Show Bookmark Paragraph:-
Ø Click on insert menu and choose bookmark.
Ø Choose required shortcut word and click on go to.

L.                       Hyperling: - Helps to like between documents and words or paragraph

To link between words and document (file):-
Ø Select word.
Ø Click on insert menu and choose hyper ling.
Ø Choose required file name.
Ø Click ok. 

Format Menu:-
A.         Font:-
To Change Font Style Size, Size Color Underline:-
Ø Select text or information.
Ø Click on format menu and choose font.
Ø Choose font style size, color underline style etc.

                   To Apply Superscript:-
Ø Type-a2.
Ø Select-2.
Ø Click on format menu and choose font.
Ø Click on superscript.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Apply Subscript:-
Ø Type-H2O.
Ø Select for-2.
Ø Click on format menu and choose font.
Ø Click on subscript.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Change C H A R A S T E S Spacing:-
Ø Select text or information.
Ø Click on format menu and choose font.
Ø Click on character spacing button.
Ø Click on spacing and choose expanded.
Ø Change spacing.
Ø Click ok.
                   To Change Width Of The Text Or Character:-
Ø Select text.
Ø Click on format menu and choose font.
Ø Click on character spacing button.
Ø Change scale like 50%.

                   To Apply Animation Or Style:-
Ø Select text or information.
Ø Click on format menu and choose font.
Ø Click on character spacing button.
Ø Click on spacing and choose expanded.
Ø Change spacing.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Change Width Of The Text Or Character:-
Ø Select text.
Ø Click on format menu and choose font.
Ø Click on character spacing button.
Ø Change scale like 50%.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Apply Animation Or Style:-
Ø Select text or information.
Ø Click on format menu and choose font.
Ø Click on text effect.
Ø Choose style.
Ø Click ok.

                   Note:-If you want to remove style then choose 'none' from the animation list.

                   B.         Paragraphs:-
                   To Set Space between Paragraphs:-        
Ø Select more then two paragraphs.
Ø Click format menu and choose paragraph.
Ø Change before and after spacing.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Set Margins Of The Paragraph:-
Ø Select paragraphs.
Ø Click on format menu and choose paragraphs.
Ø Click on special button and choose first line.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Change Space Between Lines:-
Ø Fixed cursor on the required paragraphs or select paragraph.
Ø Click on format menu and choose paragraph.
Ø Choose line spacing.
Ø Choose single, double, or 1.5 lines.
Ø Click ok.

                   C.         Bullets and Numbering:-
                   To Add Bullets:-
Ø Select paragraphs (Point wise information).
Ø Click on format menu and choose bullets and numbering.
Ø Choose bullets.
Ø Choose required symbols.
Ø Click on customize button to search bullets.
Ø Choose character.
Ø Choose required symbol.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Add Number:-
Ø Select paragraphs (Point wise information).
Ø Click on format menu and choose bullets and numbering.
Ø Choose Numbering.
Ø Choose Number style.
Ø Click ok.

                   D.         Boarders and shading:-
                   To Add Boarder (Word /Line:-
Ø Select a word or line.
Ø Click on format menu and choose boarder and shading.
Ø Click on boarder.
Ø Choose box.
Ø Choose line style color and size.
Ø Click on apply to button and choose text.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Add Boarder (Paragraph):-
Ø Fixed cursor on the required paragraph.
Ø Click on format menu and choose boarder and shading.
Ø Click on boarder.
Ø Choose box.
Ø Choose line style color and size.
Ø Click on apply to button and choose text.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Add Shading:-
Ø Select or fixed cursor.
Ø Click on format menu and choose boarder and shading.
Ø Click on shading.
Ø Choose color.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Add Page Boarder:-
Ø Click on format menu and choose boarder and shading.
Ø Click on page boarder.
Ø Choose box.
Ø Choose line style color and size.
Ø Click on apply to button and choose text.
Ø Click ok.
                   To Apply Art (Symbols) In Page Boarder:-
Ø Click on format menu and choose boarder and shading.
Ø Click on page boarder.
Ø Choose Art.
Ø Choose symbols.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Reduce Page Boarder In Paragraph Shape:-
Ø Click on format menu and choose boarder and shading.
Ø Click on page boarder.
Ø Choose Art.
Ø Choose symbols.
Ø Click on option.
Ø Click on measure form button and choose text.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Change Top: - Left, Right and button margins.
Ø Click ok.

                   E.         COLUMN:-
                   To Divide Paragraph Into Multiple Columns:-
Ø Select paragraph.
Ø Click on format menu and choose column.
Ø Choose number of columns.
Ø Click on line between columns.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Divide All Information Or Pages Into Multiple Columns:-
Ø Click on format menu and choose column.
Ø Choose or define number of columns.
Ø Click ok.
                   F.          DROP CAP:-
                   To Drop First Character Of The Paragraph:-
Ø Fixed cursor on the required paragraph.
Ø Click on format menu and choose drop cap.
Ø Click on dropped button.
Ø Define number of columns.
Ø Change distance between characters.
Ø Click ok.

                   NOTE: - Choose 'None' to remove drop cap.

G.         CHANGE CASE:-
To Change Character Style Like Small Or Capital Letters:-
Ø Select information.
Ø Click on format menu and choose change case.
Ø Choose required style.
FUPPERCASE: - All are capital letter.
Flowercase:- All are small letter.
FSentence Case: - Capitalized first character of the paragraph.
Ftitle case:- Capitalized each initial character of the word.
Ftoggle cASE:- First character is small letter and all are capital letters.
Ø Click ok.

                   H.         TAB:-
                   To Set Left Tab (L):-
Ø Choose left tab (L) form the ruler bar.
Ø Click on required position of the horizontal ruler bar.
Ø Star to type by using tab key from the keyboard.
                   Sn          Particulars          Quantity          Rate              Amount
                   1            monitor               4                      6500             32000
                   2            hard                    3                      3600             10800
                   To Set Center Tab :-                                                                       
Ø Choose Center tab (   ) from the ruler bar,
Ø Click or fixed tab stop paint.
Ø Start to type.
                   Sn          Particulars          Quantity          Rate              Amount
                    1              Hdd                       5                3600
                    2               Fpp                        4                550

To Set Right Tab
Ø Choose of fixed top position.
Ø Start to type.

                   Sn   Particulars    Quantity                 Rate        Amount
                    1        monitor                5                6500
                    2              Hdd                6                3600

To Design Bio- Data:-     
Ø Choose left tab from the ruler bar.

Name                          :- Krishna Bahadur Mahat
Father's Name            :- Kul Bahadur Mahat
Date of Birth              :- 2042/08/06
Gender                        :-
Marital status             :-
Nationality                 :-
Languages                   :-
Permanent                  :-
Temporary                 :-
E: Mari Address         :-
Contact phone            :-

Academic             Qualification:-
Sn            Level            Board              Year          Percentage
1              SLC              Nil' board        2062         68%

                   TOOLS MENU:-
A.               Spelling and Grammar: - Helps to check spelling and grammar of the active document if spelling is incorrect then marked by red underline and grammar is incorrect then marked by green underline.
                   1st Process:-
                   To Check Spelling And Grammar:-
Ø Fixed cursor on the top of the document.
Ø Click on tools menu and choose spelling and grammar.
Ø Choose required word from the suggestion box.
Ø Choose change or change all.
Ø Similarly we can continuously check spelling and grammar.

                   2nd Process:-
Ø Move arrow on the incorrect word area.
Ø Press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose required word.
B.     Language:-
To Show Similar Meaning Of The Selected Word:-
Ø Select word.
Ø Click on tools menu and choose language.
Ø Choose thesaurus.

                   To Set Hyphenation Sign Automatically:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose language.
Ø Choose hyphenation.
Ø Click on automatically hyphenate document.
Ø Click ok.

C.     Word count:-
                   To Count Total Words Characters Lines Paragraphs Etc:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose word count.

To Protect Document (Read Only):-
Ø Open a document.
Ø Click on tools menu and choose protect document.
Ø Click on Limit formatting to a selection of styles.
Ø Choose allow only this type of editing in the document.
Ø Choose 'No changes' (Read only).
Ø Click on 'Yes start enforcing protection.
Ø Type password.
Ø Retype same password.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Try to change.

                   To Unprotect Document:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose unprotect document.
Ø Choose stop protection.
Ø Type password.
Ø Click ok.
                   E.         CUSTOMIZE:-
                   To Show Or Hide Toolbar:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose customize.
Ø Click on toolbar button.
Ø Click on/out required toolbar.

                   To Show Toolbar In Original (Normal) View:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose customize.
Ø Click on toolbar.
Ø Choose required toolbar.
Ø Click on reset.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Create New Toolbar:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose customize.
Ø Click on toolbar.
Ø Click on New.
Ø Type toolbars Name.

Ø Click ok.
Ø Click on command button.
Ø Choose men from the left column.
Ø Choose and drag required command in the new toolbox.
Ø Click on close.

                   To Delete Toolbar:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose customize.
Ø Click on toolbar.
Ø Choose required toolbar.
Ø Click on delete.
Ø Click ok.
Ø Click on close.

                   To Move Nepali Fonts And English Fonts in The End Of The Menu Bar:- 
Ø Click on tools menu and choose customize.
Ø Click on command.
Ø Choose font command from the left categories.
Ø Choose times new roman (English) and move it in required position.
Ø Similarly choose preeti or kantipur and move it in the required position.

                   To Show Screen Tips With Shortcut Key In Toolbar:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose customize.
Ø Click on option.
Ø Click on show screen tips on toolbar.
Ø Click on show shortcut key in screen tips.
Ø Click on close.

                   F.          MACRO:-
                   To Record (Save) New Shortcut Key (Times New Roman):-
Ø Move Nepali (Preeti) and English (Times new Roman) font on the menu bar.
Ø Click on tools menu and choose macro.
Ø Choose 'Record' new macro.
Ø Type macro's Name.
Ø Click on 'Keyboard'.
Ø Click on press new shortcut key button and type or press CTRL + (E.g.........CTRL + T).
Ø Click on Assign.
Ø Click on close.
Ø Choose times new roman font from the menu bar.
Ø  Click on stop recording button or go to tools menu and choose macro.
Ø Choose stoop recording.

                   To Save Nepali Typing (Preeti):-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose macro.
Ø Choose record new macro.
Ø Type macro name.
Ø Click on keyboard.
Ø Press new shortcut key like CTRL+ shift + P.
Ø Click on Assign.
Ø Click on close.
Ø Choose preeti from the menu bar.
Ø Choose stop recording.
Ø Press CTRL + T for English typing and press CTRL + shift + P for Nepali typing.

                   To Delete Macro:-
Ø  Click on tools menu and choose macro.
Ø Choose macro.
Ø Choose macro's Name.
Ø Click on delete.
Ø Choose yes.
Ø Click on close.
                   Auto correct option:-
(Always Click On The Following Options).
A.                       Capitalized first letter of the sentence.
B.                       Capitalized Name of the days.
C.                       Capitalized first letter of the table call.

To Save Meaning Or Bestiary:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose auto correct option.
Ø Click on replace button and type shortcut word like 'C'.
Ø Click on with button and type meaning like 'Computer'.
Ø Click on add.
Ø Click on close.
                   To Delete Auto Correct Word:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose auto correct.
Ø Choose auto correct word from the list.
Ø Click on delete.
Ø Click on close.

                   To Show Ukar:-
Ø Click on tools menu and choose auto correct option.
Ø Choose auto format as you type.
Ø Click on out 'Straight quotes with smart quotes'.
Ø Click ok.

                   Nepali Type:-
Ø Click start and click program the cuss Assenter them system twos character romp.   
Ø Always click out ''capitalized first letter of the sentence '' for Nepali Typing.
Ø Click on tools and choose auto correct option.
                   FOR UKAR ( psf/):-
Ø Tools auto correct.
Ø Click auto format as you type.
Ø Click out ''straight quotes'' with small quotes''.
Ø Click ok.

***** The End *****

Date: - 2063/07/28
                   A.           Table: - Combination of the rows and columns is called table.
                   B.           Row: - Horizontal line or box is called column is called cell.

                   In the above table there are -4 Columns -3 Rows and -12 Cells.

                   Insert: - Helps to add new table.
Ø Fixed cursor on the required position.
Ø Click on table menu and choose insert.
Ø Choose table.
Ø Define number of Columns and rows.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Insert Rows:-
Ø Place cursor on the Ending cell of the table.
Ø Press tab key from the keyboard.

                   To Insert New Row Between Rows:-
Ø Fixed Cursor on required row.
Ø Click on table menu and choose Insert.
Ø Choose row above.

                   To Add Column Between Columns:-
Ø Fixed cursor on the required column.
Ø Click on table menu and choose Insert.
Ø Choose column to the right or left to delete row.

                   To Delete Row:-
Ø Fixed cursor on the required row.
Ø Click on table menu and choose delete.
Ø Choose row.

                   To Delete Column:-
Ø Fixed cursor on the required column.
Ø Click column.

                   To Merge {Combine More Then Two Cells} Cell:-
Ø Select more then two cells.
Ø Click on table menu and choose merge.

                   To Divide Single Cell Into Multiple Cells {Split Cell}:-
Ø Fixed cursor on required cell.
Ø Click on table menu and choose split cell.
Ø Choose or define number of cells.
Ø Click ok.

Date: - 2063/08/01
                   TO FIND TABLE:-
Ø Fixed cursor where you want to find total.
Ø Click on table menu and choose formula.
Ø Type = SUM (LEFT) and click ok.
                   Note: - Click on next cell and pres CTRL+Y.

To Arrange Data By Ascending Or Descending Or Des (By Position):-
Ø Click on table menu and choose sort.
Ø Choose required column (Total).
Ø Choose descending or des or Ascending or des.
Ø Ascending or des - A to Z (or 0 to 9).
Ø Descending or des - Z to A (or 9 to 0).

                   To Arrange Data Menu And By Name List:-
Ø Click on table menu and choose sort.
Ø Choose required column (Name).
Ø Choose Ascending or des.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Convert Table Into Text: ­-
Ø Select table.
Ø Click on table menu and choose convert.
Ø Choose table into table.
Ø Click ok.

                   To Convert Text Into Table:-
Ø Select table.
Ø Click on table menu and choose convert.
Ø Choose convert.
Ø Choose text into table.
Ø Click ok.
                   To Change Table Shape:-
Ø Click on table menu and choose table auto format.
Ø Click on apply.

                   To Repeat Heading Row:-
Ø Create table (rows) more thon 2 pages.
Ø Select first row.
Ø Click on table menu and choose table properties.
Ø Click on repeat as a header row at the top of the each page.
Ø Click ok.
                   DRAW TABLE:-
Ø We can design table by draw table.
Ø Click on table menu and choose draw table.
Ø A light- to change value into different position of the cell like center -left and right etc.
Ø Text direction - to convert text into horizontal or vertical.

***** The End *****

                   TO INSERT WOED ART:-
Ø Choose WordArt (A) from the drawing bar.
Ø Choose WordArt style.
Ø Type information.
Ø Click ok.
                   WORDART TOOLBAR:-
Ø When you select WordArt information then we can see WordArt toolbar.
i.                               Edit text: - To change or modify information of the WordArt (or double click on WordArt information.
ii.                             WordArt gallery: - Helps to change WordArt shapes or style.
iii.                          Format WordArt: - To change WordArt color.
iv.                          WordArt shape: - Helps to change WordArt shapes or style.
v.                             Text wrapping: - Helps to change setting between information and WordArt art.
Ø Select WordArt text.
Ø Click on text wrapping of the text being of the text.
vi.                          WordArt same letter heights: - To set all are same heights.

                   TO INSERT PICTURE:-
Ø Choose insert picture (Clip Art) form the drawing bar.
Ø Choose organize clips.
Ø Choose office collections.
Ø Choose categorist form the left column like animals Building etc.
Ø Choose required picture form the right column and press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose copy.
Ø Close this window.
Ø Choose yes.
Ø Press right button of the mouse on the blank.
Ø Choose paste.

PICTURE TOOLBAR: - (When you insert picture and select it then picture toolbar is appeared on the screen.
Ø Color: - Black and white gray scale washout etc.
Ø More contrast lass contrast.
Ø More Brighteners or less brightness.
Ø Crop: - To cut particular sidle of the picture.
Ø Rotate:-To change degree.
Ø Line style.
Ø Text wrapping:- Helps to change setting between information and picture. 

To Save Name In Triangle Or Rectangle:-
Ø Draw triangle or rectangle.
Ø Choose text box from the drawing bar and click on side of the triangle or rectangle.
Ø Type name like 'A'.
Ø Select box.
Ø Click on line color and choose no line.
Ø Click on fill color and choose no fill.
Ø Press and hold down ctrl key and move text box in another corner.

To Group Multiple Items:-
Ø Press and hold down shift key and select items.
Ø Press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose grouping.
Ø Choose group.

To Send Picture In The Box Back Of The Information:-
Ø Select circle.
Ø Press right button of the mouse.
Ø Choose send behind of the text.

***** The End *****


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